At the Thursday working parties the new oven was finished and tested by cooking sausage rolls and meat pies, Frank helped peel a large bag of vegetables he brought.
Wooden battens were fitted over a gap under the wagon seat, coins were added to the wagon display boards. We saw a plane fly overhead escorted by RAF jets.
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Dennis and John cooked Christmas lunch in the oven for 13 people and we enjoyed our Turkey with all the trimmings and Christmas pudding.
Barry brought home made sausage rolls and mince pies, Janis and Keith brought wine, they also donated suet ball feeders and put them in trees for the birds.
Tesco provided the food and joined us for lunch, we are grateful for their help throughout the year and for suggesting taking part in Bags of Help which has just awarded us a £4,000 grant. We will announce how the money will be spent soon.
A bottle and polythene sheet were in the river, which Reo retrieved. Eddie, Graham and Reo cut up pallets and split them for firewood which tidied up the site. Frank made Acorn keyrings which he gave out to everyone.
We would like to thank Fred and his family for decorating the wagon for Christmas, getting the fire ready to light and leaving us a card and bottle of bubbly.
Happy Christmas to everyone connected with the bonemill, near or far.
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