We opened for National Mills Weekend on Saturday 13 & Sunday 14 May 2023, 11 am to 4 pm.
We had the water wheel turning and our model mill on display. Our visitor centre had displays of finds discovered on site and slideshows of restoration work. Our railway wagon kitchen provided hot & chilled drinks, biscuits, cakes and sausage rolls.
New this year was our wildflower meadow planted last Autumn which has now started to flower. We also have a new display room showing finds discovered making the wildflower meadow and a slideshow of the work. Folders of information given to us recently about how mills work and pictures of the restoration were also on display.
This year we also celebrated the Coronation of King Charles lll with a commemorative tree and plaque, bunting, balloons, posters and a special Coronation cake made by Emma to mark the occasion. This was possible through a Norfolk Community Foundation ‘King’s Coronation Fund’ grant we were awarded.
Our trailer with seats was in use taking visitors along the river bank from the car park to the mill and back. Visitors were also able to join us from the Nar Valley Way by crossing our swinging footbridge. We had around 100 visitors over the weekend and there were some lovely comments in the visitors book.
Mills Weekend 2022 Heritage Open Days 2022 Walking Directions Volunteering Preparations