We were open for Heritage Open Days on 14 & 15 September. The HOD theme this year was Routes, Networks, Connections so we had displays in our gazebo showing how the mill related to other industries and the modes of transport involved, with some of the relevant finds on display including the human skull bone found on site.
Also new for this event were five signs along the riverside track with snippets of information about the river and the wildlife in and around it, to make walkers journeys more interesting, several visitors told us they enjoyed looking at them.
We had Lego type models left over from the May open days D Day anniversary displays, they were offered to visitors on Saturday, some of the younger visitors played with them, then gave donations so they could keep them.
We had our water wheel turning again, this is always an impressive sight. We put the model mill on display in the visitor centre, this shows how the mill looked in its working days. Slideshows of the mill restoration were playing on the screens in the visitor centre.
We served tea, coffee and cold drinks from our railway wagon kitchen, we used the table which Howard gave us last week for the sausage rolls, biscuits and home made cakes, with a selection of gluten free options.
Ryan has recently bought a 1950s vintage tractor which he took to the open days, towing a roller to level the track where we worked on it a while ago. The tractor was put on display where it generated interest from young and old visitors, one of whom used to drive a similar tractor on farms.
There were lots of dogs visiting over both days, several went into the river for a swim. We had drinking bowls and dog biscuits for them. Our trailer with seats was in use taking visitors between the mill and car park. Visitors were also able to join us from the Nar Valley Way footpath by crossing our footbridge, so we put banners and bunting on the bridge.
Following an interview last Thursday with Judy Bates of KL Magazine, the KL photographer, Ian Ward visited early on Saturday to take pictures of the mill for the article about the bone mill which should be in the November issue.
The open days were well attended and we had very positive feedback from visitors that we spoke to. A lot of visitors have signed up to our newsletters, we also have a potential new volunteer who we hope will join us soon. Our next open days will be in May 2025, dates will be announced on the website home page when known.
Graham Bartlett