Blue Flower

Solar Power System, part of the Green Community Grant

There was no mains power at the mill so the Green Community grant included two solar panels which charge batteries that power a number of 12 Volt items. 

One panel powers the visitor centre, another powers the shed and railway wagon. Both solar panels were installed on the visitor centre roof, with batteries in the loft and shed.

Two Multimedia Screens in the visitor centre show a video of our water wheel turning and slideshows of the model mill which are only available to see for real on open days, so visitors at other times can see videos of them. On open days the screens show the restoration and history of the mill. On the small screen a slideshow of making the wildflower meadow and the meadow in flower are shown.

There are illuminated shelves and cabinets in the visitor centre which have finds discovered on site during digging in the early days including metal finds and glass jars. There are also items found when making the wildflower meadow.

The nest box camera system has cameras in an Owl box, small bird box, Hedgehog box and a camera pointing at the bird feeding station. The screen is in the railway wagon.

There is a fridge in the railway wagon used for keeping milk, water and soft drinks cool at open days. A cigar lighter socket in the wagon can power other items.

In the shed there is an inverter for charging batteries for our power tools including strimmers, multi tool, chainsaw and drill. USB sockets on the solar control panels are used for charging the electric screwdriver, music player and mobile phones.

The shed lights are also powered from the solar panels. There's an underground  armoured cable connecting the shed to the wagon. We made a wiring loom to power all the items inside the visitor centre using items bought with the grant.

Green Grant                 Nest Boxes & Cameras                  Solar Installation                 Laying Cable/Wagon Electrics                   Screen Installation          Grants